你拉我拉, 你拉我拉, 一二拉。。。
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Going to Mian Jun's house
written on Saturday, January 27, 2007 @ 9:12 AM ✈
This can't be considered as school. I know, I know. Yeah, after school (it ends at 2.30pm), Hai Yun, Gee Ling and I followed Mian Jun home to do our Language Arts Project. On our journey there, we had to drop by a bus-stop to get on another bus. After getting off, we waited at the bus-stop, with our legs sticking out, not on purpose or anything. We just happened to stretch our legs while waiting for the bus. Strangely, a guy who was topless jogged past us. The funny thing is, he was pushing a pram!!! After a few seconds, we realised that he was a Mediacorp artiste. (A.W.) A short form to remind me of the incident. It was like, he went, "Excuse me" in an British with a little Chinese accent. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses that time. Kinda funny. Anyway, we spent a long time at Mian Jun's house after that. I only got up the MRT at around seven plus. So I got home at about 8.20pm. It was so late! I am tired already. Will blog soon :D 0 comment[s] | back to topSchool sux
written on Friday, January 12, 2007 @ 9:11 AM ✈
I dont even have a CCA. I did badly for the auditions, I think. Everyone says the school is so good. But I dont think I fit in there. Plus, the format for the auditions is horrid. terrible and I am not afraid to say that. At least 5 auditions in an afternoon. There isnt enough time at all. They should think about it. Yixuan got selected for basketball and I didn't. :( Yee Hui is also liked by Theatre. Everyone has their capabilities and good points except me. I am shorter and skinnier than YX! Then the coach didnt want me. Then for chinese, the teacher said i only had 2 chances left as I forgot to do one of my assignments. I mean, only 3 chances in a year. How is it possible?? It is very unlikely. Especially for a forgetful person like me. They should be more reasonable! In short, I dont like the way the week went. 0 comment[s] | back to topWeekend
written on Sunday, January 7, 2007 @ 10:10 AM ✈
I am so afraid to go to school :( It is so tiring and frightening. I don't know why, I might sound like I am having fun. The super trio won't be having recess together as usual, like last year. Now it's only two of us in the same school. And we are not even in the same class. Everyone seemed to have make friends except me. I might be a weirdo again. Also, no one goes home with me. Before I got into the new school, there were always Michelle and Hermione. We always goofed around, lots of fun. Now it's only me and me. Suddenly I feel so lost. Don't laugh at me. I just have to find somewhere to put my feelings or I would go mad. I really have no idea what I can do. I know that my seniors are all being nice to me but somehow I just get that "lost" feeling. I am glad I can blog in my class blog and everyone still chats to each other. I don't want 6E to lost contact. I am really looking forward to the reunion during Chinese New Year celebration. If there is one. I heard from my best friend that they are arranging one. I should call her to get the details. Wish me luck. :X I am really dying there. 0 comment[s] | back to topCCA sign-ups
written on Saturday, January 6, 2007 @ 1:09 AM ✈
I just had to tell about my day today! After the morning with the school counsellors, we went for lunch... During the interaction, we played lots of games like Nanyang version Amazing Race, PROTECT THE QUEEN BEE PLUS PROTECT YOUR BALLOONS. Also, I played Pass The Hula Hoop in a "tangled" way. <<< That was fun! I was powdered by the seniors a few times while playing the running and counting game. Poof. -I am rushed for time, so I'll say it briefly :P sorry! - At lunch, I ate Chicken Chop Set (it costed $2.20~) as I didn't have recess. I then went to the auditorium and watched a mini concert. It was pretty funny. The HOL and deputy HOL acted together. There was also a briefing on CCA sign-ups. I signed up for Badminton, Shooting, Wushu, Girl Guides, Theatre...not forgetting Infocomm :) I hope I'll do well. It was so crazy. I ran around the school signing up for the CCAs with Yee Hui and Yixuan. It was super hot. Roughly 30 mins later, we gathered back in the audi. I signed my attendance and packed to go home. I got a drink, went to get a 3-week stay form and bought my portfolio case at Popular. One senior helped us get the form, I am so glad she did. I wouldn't have dared to get it with Yixuan. I remember she had powder in her hair :P Later in Popular, I got a call from Dad. He offered to bring me home. I chatted with Yixuan for a while before proceeding out of the school, across the bridge. I was aching all over by the time I got across the bridge. I guess I am old :( (Partly due to the sports selection yesterday, I guess) I got up the car quite soon and I was resting all the way home. Here I am typing away after my afternoon nap. Gotta go. Bye. :) 0 comment[s] | back to topA day in Nanyang :)
written on Friday, January 5, 2007 @ 12:08 PM ✈
The first day was pretty scary, but now, I am already on the second day :P I was droved by my dad on the first day coz the driver in charge didnt contact us. poof, he lost a business. :) So I got down the car on the first day and I followed the rest of the older students to the quadrangle...then I saw the General Office. I managed to check out the class I was allocated to. ha, 1/02 (two is my fave number and lucky number. :) ) The national anthem was played, followed by the school song. For the school song, I am pretty confused about that. I hope I'll master it soon. There was this funny tune where it signals us to go up to class. I forgot, the form teacher started marking our attendance as soon as the announcements were being made. He was "not Singaporean"...like British or something. When I got to class, he said to sit anywhere. And he introduced himself as Mackintosh (did I spell it right?), he was quite funny. When I mean funny, I am referring him trying to speak Singlish and Chinese...Oh and, he can't remember my name. During recess, I saw Yixuan and Yee Hui at the bookshop and canteen. We hanged out for recess and lunch nowadays. And there was the PSL (Peer Support Leaders), they brought us around the school and played icebreakers. ----*******Today*******---------- My dad made arrangements with another bus company, but he kept blaming me for being slow and stuff along the way :(. It was yellow and it wasnt full of girls like I expected. There were boys..from Nanyang Primary and Hwa Chong I think. I grabbed a seat and sat all the way to Dunearn, stopping by Nanyang Primary. As the driver didnt have time to be stuck in the jam, he let the Hwa Chong boys and Nanyang Girls all at the same place. I had to climb all the way across the bridge and into the school. I walked up four storeys to my classroom just to put my bag there. When the funny tune came on, we were rushed to go down. Expectedly, they played the school song, but still, I didnt know the words. :( The form teacher took attendance like yesterday. We trooped back to class like yesterday. We were asked to change into our PE attire. I did the try-out for gymnastics and judo first. For gymnastics, the coach made us point our toes. I didn't get selected or anything. But for judo, there was rolling and tossing. I rolled forward, and ouch, kinda weird on my body. I guess I havent been practising since I last joined gymnastics in P1. Then the seniors taught and demonstrated us on how to perform the throwing. I was very frightened the first time I tried to toss one of the seniors. She went bang on the ground, I apologised.. Then after that, the coach told us to break into two groups, lighter than forty and heavier than forty. You might be asking forty what, obviously it's kg. Those people who were in the "heavy group" were asked to perform the tossing again. This time, I tried tossing again. Bang, freaky. Surprisingly, the senior took down my name. I went to track n field but I got hit behind my back during the two rounds of running, I almost fainted. My backbone kinda cracked on me. Extreme pain. Until now, it still hurts. I wanted to cry. There was still basketball and squash. Um sorry, basketball and squash was before running. Needless to say, I didnt get chosen for any of them. There was still softball, I mean, after the whack on my backbone which is curved now, I couldnt even hit the ball right. I changed and had recess with Yee Hui and Yixuan. It was pretty cool, we somehow got on one of the swings and we had so much fun. We went around exploring the SAC, but it was closed. Then we had phototaking. I bet I look horrid on the picture. After that, the PSL brought us around the school. We went in groups of four. My guide was called Janelle. We got back to class and very soon it was time to go home. But someone was missing. We waited and waited until the missing person got back. Finally, we were allowed to pack up and go. I met up with Yee Hui and Yixuan and we made our way out of the school. I had to cross the bridge to catch the public bus. And I was super hot when I got home. Burning to death. Maybe the uniform could be changed a little? Gotta go, will write soon :) 0 comment[s] | back to topThe last day of 2006...
written on Monday, January 1, 2007 @ 1:07 AM ✈
Wow, time really flies. In a twinkle of an eye, it's the last day of 2006. :( In this year, I have attempted many things for the first time. Like for example, the year where I started to blog, started to go on forums, first time going overseas, first time going home by myself, going out with my friends, going on a sleepover and going on a boat. Everything that I did this year would be in my memory forever. I really miss everything that is going to pass very soon, in about 4 hours' time, where 2007, the year of pig, comes in. This year is the year where I took my PSLE, gathered with my friends, had fun after the exams. I loved the time where my friends and I were together, enjoying ourselves like we had nothing to worry about. We were so carefree. Now, I am already going to a brand new school next year. I've started to prepare my books and other materials. Hiaz, those days were really good. And on this very special day, I made it a point to write in my blog about every bits and pieces I havent got a chance to mention. :P You can call it my shout-outs and resolutions. I am very glad that Yee Hui is also going to the same school. But I am very afraid to make new friends. I wanna have a class gathering in the future. I hope to make a website all by myself. I wanna learn how to swim, sing and cycle. I hope to know more about HTML. I do hope to have a sleepover for my close friends. I wanna have lots of fun in school. :) yes, you might be sick of that. Ha, anyway, I can't think of anymore. I bet it would be fun when I return to this entry next year. Let's see what I can achieve. Also, I hope I can cope with my studies for the following year. Thanx to Yee Hui, Audrey, Esther, Yi Bin, Ilina and the whole of 6E for making my primary 6 life complete. No matter what we become in the future, I still hope all of us can come together and have fun again :) (I am actually very nervous about my new school..also the Japanese class. Hope I know how to go home by then.) FRIENDS 4EVER!FRIENDS 4EVER! FRIENDS 4EVER!FRIENDS 4EVER! 0 comment[s] | back to top |