你拉我拉, 你拉我拉, 一二拉。。。
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Derrick Hoh's really cute in person!
written on Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 12:12 PM ✈
It's Teachers' Day today, we had our classbreakfast, very fun lol! And my class performed during the performance segment of the NYGH celebrations and after that we packed up. I was rushing Yee Hui to make our way to RGPS lol, because I heard from my sister that Derrick Hoh was going to be there! :D Very excited lol. Plus the fact that it was drizzling, we were walking quite fast. Signed in at security guard there, and went up to the hall. Watched the primary school kids perform and walked up and down abit to hall/canteen, and see how the school changed. Then the school said Derrick Hoh will be coming in very soon, so by that time, Yi Bin and Yun Hua already all arrived, and we sat down in the hall. Hahas, the teacher was saying to make some noise and I was screaming xD LOL. I think you might not be able to imagine me like that. But Derrick Hoh is someone whom I've a fan of ever since Project Superstar, and got so upset when he got out of one of the rounds, and sooo happy when he did great in the revival round, because he's really talented! Okay, then Yi Bin was screaming too, and I was quite high~ Well, she said lol, "Eh you know, I scream for him all because of you, you know." :D Very gan dong that you accompanied me in being crazy! :DDD I kept "pestering" Yi Bin to take more pictures of him as she brought a camera along, and my old stupid camera died long ago. :) Haha, then she went to take video of him. 他真得很有外形、很可爱,也跳得很帅气、起劲~ 我看了都HIGH到了最高点!:D His dance moves all very got character, I feel that it was really fun watching the performance. He performed 无法归类 and 咬字! Dancing pro lah. And then at the yao zi ending, he was like gesturing the "你们" to everyone. :) Very got 互动 with the audience leh! ENJOYED IT a lot. Later we tried to follow him out of the hall area, with many others of course, and haha very ke ai. He kept on smiling de. And Yee Hui, Yun Hua, Yi Bin went down with me to the GO there to purchase his album, since I didn't get the chance to, and also there was his poster along with the album. I was already happy to see him perform in my very own primary school already, and I even got his autograph on the cd! LOL, and his zhao pai smile was with him all the while. Ya, but because Yi Bin wanted to take a picture of him, and I was asking him if we could take a picture of him [he gave this blurblur look :D] but then I think his manager or incharge said cannot, and we were like okay, thankyou :) The nice thing was, he was like quite happy about doing this - very touched that he came to RGPS to perform, as this is like the first school he perfomed in. 第一次 wor! Derrick rocks a lot, and hope he enjoyed himself with us! : DDD We went to find other teachers and give our presents and cards~ Well, they remembered us and Mrs Seet was quite happy to see us I think. Hehe, and she said NP seemed quite tough, but she was from UG too. Class photo taken by a random exgirl, er got like 1/3 of us around haha. And later on we went to Plaza Sing and we ate at this craft shop, haha and Yi Bin was very familiar with the people there because she go there every week to buy scrapbooking stuff! Yes, and we bought lots of random stuff, especially Yun Hua haha. Yee Hui never buy much stuff lor! I think the three of them are really nice people to go out with. :D It has been like months since we last met. And we kept taking pictures all over, with mirrors and black surfaces haha. :D Oh yah, I can't wait for the pictures YB got xD Today's really one of the best days of my life, with my good friends and seeing my favourite singer!! 0 comment[s] | back to topWhat's wrong with you.
written on Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 8:33 AM ✈
I'm very pissed right now. Stupid. Well today was a normal day, where we had no pe. But compared to other days, today is relatively slack. Ms Chua not here, so we watched videos, and Chinese was borrowing of books. And my LA speech apparently went quite well. At least I think so. Erm, after school, I met Zi Han at bus stop and boarded a bus, and when we sat down, I saw Yee Lin ma'am smiling [cheekily] at us, then I realised she was there!! When ma'am went off the bus, I was half asleep and when I opened my eyes I saw ma'am waving byebye before going off. Hmm! And let me tell you what amazing stuff I did. As I missed the last two remedials of Maths the other time - for valid reasons! But I felt rather guilty for that, so I decided to skip my dental appointment (something that is hard to arrange), to go for the remedial today. I was waiting for Ms Chooi to come at around 207 there, but after very very long, she still didn't come. So I smsed her, and I was still waiting. But let's guess what happened next. She, at the last minute, replied to say, sorry, there won't be remedial due to FPS. That meant I waited for her for nothing. And you want to know what's making me this furious? I asked her at the start of this week to confirm if there will be remedial, and Ms Chooi was like, yes. And she gave a why-won't-there-be-remedial look. Then I was like thinking okay then. She could have told me during recess or lunch. I really cannot believe this. And she didn't even bother to tell me until I smsed her. The worst thing, the dentist called up my mum and told her that I will have a black record or something for the appointments. I mean usually I would be able to change, but I really don't know what went wrong. I'm not someone who would always change my appointments. So not being able to have remedial today, I also couldn't go for my appointment and get a black record for no apparent reason. And it just seems like everything is I 自作自受 again. I seriously can't take this lying down. It's definitely irresponsible, and my mum also got mad at me for this. Why is it that everyone puts the blame on me. 我吞不下这口气. Sorry if I'm very offensive. It's just that I cannot see her ku zhong[s], if there are any. 0 comment[s] | back to topIVP (maybe last) + Scarlet
written on Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 3:38 PM ✈
I shall talk about what happened today. Hmm, okay we had PCCG and then it was nice to hear stuff that we disagree with or the things the school can change. Personally, I think the sports shoes is relevant. And in my primary school we could use like black and darkblue pins, but I wonder whats the rational of using only black. Wrote zuowen lor. But I think I wanna say that I practically rushed everything today. History assignment the last part on tone, I chionged. Chinese zuowen I just randomly wrote some stuff and exaggerated it. :X Haha and then LA we watched the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, it was like.. o.O I mean it's so weird, and the actors not as good looking as the first version lol. Mercutio and Lady Capulet are so strange, like abnormal people. And I just dashed for IVP, I was like almost 15 minutes late and I nearly died because I couldn't catch my breath. Took school bus to Nanyang Poly and the talk was not so boring lah xD With all the quizzes and prizes. Yah, and I sat with Puay Ling, then we started talking about a lot of stuff, lol. Before the talk started we were like walking around the exhibition when Puay Ling realised her groupmate's work was up on display, haha then she was like quite happy. I want my work to be up! Someday. Shiao Kee wanted to go toilet so we just waited for her at the auditorium there and Puay Ling said something like she saw my groupmate -.- There was reception so I just went with Shiao Kee and Yee Hui, and Puay Ling to take food. LOL, got quite an amount of food. Oh yah, then Jinghao was calling me from behind. Like the other time like that lor. Haha, I think a bit lame, because it's just saying hello then siam already. Lalalala. Didn't see Huiqun though, remember that time we had some funny plan for IVP? xD Was trying to find her. So ...er we ate. And halfway in between I was dragged by Puay Ling to go find her groupmate with her. But at least talking is better than stoning around so I just stared at them talking. xD After that we went to AMK hub and I hitched a ride from Shiao Kee's car back to NY, and her mum bought like food and drink to treat me. Chao nice lor (: Got meal-on-the-go. Yup, then watched Scarlet with squadmates. I felt that it was rather different, as in the style, then many types of what women face also shown. I think we know it exist but it never came together in our minds before. Yup. To Alicia: Haha, no lah, don't need to feel bad. xD September? Good job lol. Can get other sqdms tag along too or have combined outing! xD Anyway the method you jolted my memory of Ezor is very funny can~ To PN: LOL, my dear Elmo de squadmates always mention you, of course remember lor. Heard that you were at the fair but didn't see you huh. =P 0 comment[s] | back to topWaiting for my mum to knock off work
written on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 2:02 PM ✈
OMG, haha today. So let's see, I had a chinese yingyongwen, and followed by r&j passage soonafter. There was stress! Let's just skip everything, btw ICT was quite fun. I like making webpages. Okay, we reach until the theatre thing at Stamford Arts Centre. I feel that the place was not what I expected, because it looked so nice from the outside but inside it's quite...room-ish. Opened windows etc. When the bus first stopped at Waterloo, I realised my mum's office was just like opposite. You know, less than 15 metres across. I was like why didn't I state that I want to leave on the spot on the consent form. So never mind, we entered the place and watched the play, I think it's quite cool that they made it in such a way without much props and they used 3 people. And we got to look into many parts of a theatre group room. Like costumes and all. The scary part was when we were leaving, and I was thinking, it would be really stupid to go back all the way to NY and then go home, since I knew my mum was just there. But I was afraid lilaoshi would scold. Then squadmates, like Alicia and Jacinta, were egging me on lol. So okay, I just try to zhuang4 my own dan3, and I walked up to her and say my mum was working in the office and I don't want to go back to school. I was like nervous inside, and one second pause. Then lilaoshi was like 哦,这样,那你去...去去! I was like stumped. LOL okay lor, then I just walk off. Yah, having dinner with my mum was cool. I was saying I wanted to buy ice cream and chocolates and a lot of things, then she was like okay, but don't spend too much hor, i don't have a lot of cash. Today like no need to persuade. xD Just ask, eh mummy, can i buy the chocolates from the cocoa trees ah? She said go and see, see what you want to buy. It's like..wahh..okay never mind xD. And I think I'm either skipping my dental appointment this Thursday or remedial. But considering I haven't been to remedial for past 2 weeks (last week got dry shoot LOA, last last week got parade rehearsal and ms chooi say last min, so she cant do much.), I guess I'm going lor. And then this Friday got LOA again, for IVP show. Lately I've been having lots of LOA, and this LOA is the earliest. After lunch. Actually no. That time CIP da ba Jacinta and I also had to leave early from class, and skipped assembly in hall. (: 0 comment[s] | back to topShooting.
written on Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 4:34 AM ✈
Wow, haven't blogged these few days. On Thursday, we had our very first dry shoot! At Tanglin Police Division. I've never been to a Police Station before, so I was quite er..interested in the inner look of it. :P Then we tried to be quiet, which didn't work, then we went up to the higher up level I think, and we had a sir who taught us the rules about shooting. Got TNF-45 and the four aspects of marksmanship - gripping, sighting, stance, triggering *trying to make notes for myself* And it was quite fun! :D So have the check clear, report clear, watch your front and fire. Also did malfunction drill. :) We spent like almost 30 mins more than the ending time, then the sir was like wah, yall all want to stay back ah. And he seemed quite happy with us, because he said we were the 2nd school which he gave special tips to :P And Friday, took a taxi to school and thought would be late. xD And pre-parade was quite scary because my legs were shaking.. And I was trying to get on the exact spot. Yah, parade was quite successful I think and 39 ma'ams wished us good luck and also said good job! :D When I looked up during parade, then I suddenly saw 39 ma'ams up there, it's like a surprise! Jiajia's road safety badge dropped off and it got found! School was okay, only had 2 and a half lessons. Left class and went to change. At audi, it was instead Mr Han who went with us for Live Shoot, and we had to march in. It was quite a long distance, compared to what I expected. We were rather early. And shooting was great. Had our 2nd dry shoot, and then the live shoot was a bit confusing, because with the ear mufflers, you couldn't exactly hear. And I was very nervous, so my hands were frozen. But I could open the cylinder!! :D And pushed the trigger with one finger. Got the redtriggermark on finger. And I ended up with 8 in, 6 out. That's 40 + 18, so 58/80 lol! Not bad not bad. I thought I will be..like nothing go in. Marched out. I forgot to write - I did timing for in and out, I broke my own record for the length. I think we marched for 4-5 mins? Left early to wait for bus then it couldn't reach on time, so we had to share the HCI bus. After that changed in school and Yi Jia and I went with Alicia, Yan Ni and Pei Yin to meet the Elmo people and headed to West Mall. Ate in food court and then walked around and Pei Yin left halfway :( Went to McDonalds' and we walked until the top of a carpark and sat down there to eat and talk. LOL. Elmo people very high and funny. Haha then sometimes couldn't stop laughing. Later on we went home, and got one HCI person took same bus as YJ and me. Reached home at about 11 and my parents were watching Olympics so didn't really say much. :D 0 comment[s] | back to topShooting.
written on @ 4:34 AM ✈
Wow, haven't blogged these few days. On Thursday, we had our very first dry shoot! At Tanglin Police Division. I've never been to a Police Station before, so I was quite er..interested in the inner look of it. :P Then we tried to be quiet, which didn't work, then we went up to the higher up level I think, and we had a sir who taught us the rules about shooting. Got TNF-45 and the four aspects of marksmanship - gripping, sighting, stance, triggering *trying to make notes for myself* And it was quite fun! :D So have the check clear, report clear, watch your front and fire. Also did malfunction drill. :) We spent like almost 30 mins more than the ending time, then the sir was like wah, yall all want to stay back ah. And he seemed quite happy with us, because he said we were the 2nd school which he gave special tips to :P And Friday, took a taxi to school and thought would be late. xD And pre-parade was quite scary because my legs were shaking.. And I was trying to get on the exact spot. Yah, parade was quite successful I think and 39 ma'ams wished us good luck and also said good job! :D When I looked up during parade, then I suddenly saw 39 ma'ams up there, it's like a surprise! Jiajia's road safety badge dropped off and it got found! School was okay, only had 2 and a half lessons. Left class and went to change. At audi, it was instead Mr Han who went with us for Live Shoot, and we had to march in. It was quite a long distance, compared to what I expected. We were rather early. And shooting was great. Had our 2nd dry shoot, and then the live shoot was a bit confusing, because with the ear mufflers, you couldn't exactly hear. And I was very nervous, so my hands were frozen. But I could open the cylinder!! :D And pushed the trigger with one finger. Got the redtriggermark on finger. And I ended up with 8 in, 6 out. That's 40 + 18, so 58/80 lol! Not bad not bad. I thought I will be..like nothing go in. Marched out. I forgot to write - I did timing for in and out, I broke my own record for the length. I think we marched for 4-5 mins? Left early to wait for bus then it couldn't reach on time, so we had to share the HCI bus. After that changed in school and Yi Jia and I went with Alicia, Yan Ni and Pei Yin to meet the Elmo people and headed to West Mall. Ate in food court and then walked around and Pei Yin left halfway :( Went to McDonalds' and we walked until the top of a carpark and sat down there to eat and talk. LOL. Elmo people very high and funny. Haha then sometimes couldn't stop laughing. Later on we went home, and got one HCI person took same bus as YJ and me. Reached home at about 11 and my parents were watching Olympics so didn't really say much. :D 0 comment[s] | back to topND weekend.
written on Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 1:11 PM ✈
:D Today was so fun! Okay, at first I was reluctant to go out, then I went to eat with my relatives (: It was quite fun because everyone was so happy and everything, then they very long never see me le. But haha obviously the attention was more on my cousin, who is 18 months old. He's so cute lor, the eyes very bright. Yah, then it was very relaxed and everything, not like school..and np. Later on, er jie asked me whether I want to go Orchard Rd and shop. Haha of course! I mean, when I was young, like 4-6, I used to treat her as role model when I stayed at my gu gu's house. My sister also tagged along. I think er jie, I mean my cousin, is very cool! :D I like going to shop with her, then she bought lots of never-seen-before stuff, like green tea cake, snacks where they are toys. xD LOL, you know the toy takes up 3/4 of the packing, and the food is like..small. Very interesting, I never eat before. Oh yes, in the morning, my mum ordered McDelivery! :D She's quite sudden lor. :P I like delivery stuff. Can sit at home to eat and watch Olympics~ Okay then after shopping at Orchard, we took a bus at a bus-stop and er jie said that that Four Seasons condo is where Fann Wong stays. It's like 5 million! I still remember my gu gu liked and still likes Fann Wong a lot, then she sort of influenced me lol, by bringing me to autograph sessions and the first and only concert I've been to is a Fann Wong concert! That time during autograph session, I was still very young and cute haha, then she saw me and waved lol. And I hid behind my gu gu. :D Ahh I still want to stay with my gu gu, she took care of me very well, and she totally understands how me at my age will feel. Sometimes when my dad can't get to me, and I'm angry with my dad, she always can counsel me and even get through to my dad. I'm really amazed how she can understand a teen so well, even though she's older than my dad, but she looks young yah! At my gu gu's house, I was eating the snacks and playing with the comp, and also my cousin. He's very hyper! LOL he chased everyone with a mini feather duster, and assaulted me!! Tsktsk, so small can hit people le. Haha. Then I was kinda tired and was lying on the sofa weirdly, and he stumbled by, and he looked at me, then he giggled lol. Everyone was like, haha he's so cute! And he laughed at you. LOL. Playing with him is rather tiring after sometime, but it;s fun! After that went to eat and had fun. Just talking is enough le. (: 0 comment[s] | back to topIt's National Day!
written on Sunday, August 10, 2008 @ 4:44 AM ✈
Singapore's birthday :D This is fun, but all the attention is placed on Beijing Olympics this year~ Let's start with Connect Singapore! For the first time in many months, I got to wake up later. My dad thought I taking school bus and began banging on my door. Haha, then I told him, and he paiseh lor. He's usually very fierce so yahh! Then took bus and mrt to toa payoh mrt. Didn't know mrt got so many empty places. I managed to sit all the way. And when I thought I was early, 30 mins earlier than meeting time, Jiajia, Hui Han and Pei Yin already there le. LOL. We walked out of the mrt station and ...ended up in a McDonalds'. Just sit then buy food. Squadmates came in then after that proceeded to Old PA. Reminds me of the CT'06 video we watched. It was quite fun~ singing songs and all, but very squeezy. We were all the way at the back with 2/3 and 2/4 squadmates. And yesh a beautiful sight I saw at some random time. Haha. Then later walk out and connect lor. But we didn't even say the pledge. Finally we could go~ Met up with squadmates after I walked with Haiyun to the tentage. And I looked up. And had a weird feeling. Went to Esther's house it was so much fun!! Her house is so big, and the roof balcony, and her cute Jack Russells. Haha, then we ate up a lot of her food, it's like non-stop! Even someone like me who never stops eating says that it's packed with food. Had sandwiches, drinks, ice cream, chips and more drinks. Wah. Then we watched HSM! And Hairspray. OMG, Hairspray is rather cool, I didn't expect it to be set in the 60s lol. It was a very nice day, thanks to Clarissa for her squad breakfast suggestion and Esther for letting us attack, no visit :D her house. And let's just forget what happened last night. Unpleasant stuff. Oh yesh, it's 9th August today. Last night I was watching the opening of Olympics with my parents, and it was very spectacular. Even thought I haven't got an impression from last Olympics. So can't compare. Then the parade of athletes - Singapore! Woo. Yay~ Plus I'm kinda looking forward to NDP on tv. And I shall blog more later on if possible! Ahh, I'm hungry again. 0 comment[s] | back to topgandong
written on Thursday, August 7, 2008 @ 2:36 PM ✈
Yesterday we had our first act without 39 ma'ams, after pop. I felt that it was quite weird, anyway everything has changed le. The gan jue we get before each act changed already. Fell in and took attendance, and we practised drills. After that 40 ma'ams took turn to march with us, and I noticed something really weird. There was once, when I was marching in three ranks, then I heard belok for left, so I just turned left, and to my horror, er..ma'ams turned right. I didn't know what was wrong. o.o So after that incident, I am quite scared le. I was quite gandong that 39 ma'ams actually came back and watched how we progressed. It was somehow very unexpected. And I discovered this year pop maams never perform. Kinda sad ~ Yah, I guess we did okay for the NDP rehearsal. And today I stayed back in school trying to finish maths and science. Finally chiong finish. *sighs* Was in canteen after school, and it was a little...weird? Considering the weird position we were sitting at and facing across the quad. I was very hungry, didn't eat recess nor lunch yah. Later on I was chao tired and went home. And on the way home I saw my dad. Wah, never expect. To be honest, today was a pretty scary day. Alicia shared stuff with me this morning. I really wonder how these things happen. And I also did stuff that I never thought I would do. Surprisingly huh. And Haiyun was like "doing" it with me. xD Hahaha fun 0 comment[s] | back to topPOP week.
written on Saturday, August 2, 2008 @ 2:54 PM ✈
Monday 28th July 2008 It was cross country and the first time it was held at MacRitchie for us. Was soo scared I forget to bring something, left house early in my dad's car, and reached that weird double bus stop O:. Woah, luckily didn't rain. So first time being there, we went to find a toilet and kinda squeezed into an okay sized toilet xD But it was wet, and there were scary lizards on the ceiling peeping at us. *shiversss* Quickly changed to half u, and walked to the assembly area, and the teachers told us we were supposed to be human cones. No lah, but we are dividers to help separate cars and people. SO cool right? -.- But the waiting and "stoning" was quite fun :D We got to jiayou people and ma'ams ran past! (: Haha. Yesh, then I remember it was so weird. Mr Han was saying we should measure the distance or something. Tried to divide out the distance but in the end we kept moving. After competitive ended, we shifted to the fun run area and were standing in a big group lol. Then there was this slope, so it's quite cool when people chiong to the "finish" point! Got 40 ma'am who came in tops for run. Wow, after that we fell in, was asked to clear rubbish, when almost everyone else was leaving, then don't care just throw whatever we thought was rubbish. Found lots of NOT USED packets of drinks. Returned them all. Yeah, oh my gosh. Zhiyi ma'am came and threw litter in the bag I was holding. o.O freakyy. The best part of the day was we actually had a squad picnic! :D :D I love picnics after having one, and we took so many pictures. I <3 the squad man! We could keep on eating and eating and drinking and drinking, because it was sort of potluck. HAHA. Later on we went to J8 and walked around woots. Bought some stuff, oh yeah Nicole ponned her 3rd lang, Huihan, Wenxian and Clarissa came along, and Glenda followed too (: (eh i think i sort of short-term memory, can't remember things that happened 4 days ago ><) Got so many cute cute toys! I wanna be a child once again, then can buy so many things. Tuesday 29th July 2008 There was like two parade rehearsals, first during lunch, and during ACT. But POP seemed to be rushed...last year there was about 2 weeks prep time and the schedule wasn't so compact. We had so much scoldings and made sure we were in the best condition for POP last year. Even though this year we didn't get a scolding, but somehow you will be determined to get the best u you can, so you won't let ma'ams down. Yeah, and because I didn't wear u previously, I messed up the order of third class and civil defence. but i changed in time before falling in (: I remember for tuesday there was dance lesson if I'm not wrong, and I was somewhere else in the school. Suddenly I got reminded of lunch prac, and ran as fast as I could to class to get my hongzi, and was seriously out of breath. My heart pumped chao fast. It was like the longest ...er.shuttle run. It's like run, grab hongzi and run. LOL. Yeah. Jiajia and I were sort of late. But we fell in early. xD Wednesday 30th July 2008 I was quite nervous about POP lah, since I kept thinking it's in two days and we have yet to buy our stuffing. Therefore, Puay Ling and I decided to go and buy after school. Yeah, lunch training was more detailed, with much more stuff added in. It was awesome woo. I think Jiajia also ended up the emcee on Tuesday. xD So after school anyway, I started eating lah, then after a while then I left the school with Puay Ling. And wow, she saw her areamate ONCE AGAIN. with me around. so awkward. That time IvP also saw him. But can't recognise anyway. =P Okay, soo the interesting thing was we were on the way to Plaza Sing and we were talking about lots of stuff, yep. And I was quite sad at first because it was only two of us, then other squadmates all couldn't come a long, and the buying would probably be boring. Coz no interesting people. *BTW, we went to Spotlight, and guess what. We ended up naming the two bags we bought xD Oh yeah, the stuffing was super expensive! Puay Ling hor, still think ten dollars enough to buy two bags, in the end I had to pay for the stuffing and nearly went bankrupt.* Upon leaving the shop, Puay Ling wanted to buy sushi and I was like mm, okay lor. I also buy. So we took the escalator down..and saw a familiar figure... O: And then we realised it was two 39 ma'ams (Jiawen ma'am and Hui Shan ma'am)!! Omg. I mean it is really unbelievable, people from NY rarely go there anyway. Haha, both of us "squealed" out of shock and surprise and burst out giggling. Ma'ams turned and looked amused, if I'm not wrong :X After that we went home and the MRT line thing soo confusing. [THE MYSTERY TO THIS WAS Hui Shan ma'am wanted to get a new phone xD Wahahaha] Thursday 31st July 2008 Thursday was quite the...long. O: Actually during lunch was trying to do POP present :P And finalising stuff. FUN. :D Had POP rehearsals and it was rather fun (: I like marching around the quadrangle. And I got to be our timer for the squad timings needed in parade. 40 ma'ams started taking us of this week already, couldn't really get used to it. And it's like so confusing, so many voices and blurred out by instruments or something. Yesh, in the end, I ended up marching for like 15 mins with some whitish patch in my right eye. It was traumatising because when you try to look the the corner of the eye, you can't really see stuff. The sun was "piercing". Especially during kekenan lurus, I couldn't see anything behind or diagonally behind. D: It's like a feat for me to march around for 15 mins with physical obstructions lor. Then watched one parade rehearsal happen. Friday 1st August 2008 Actually today, I didn't know what to expect. Because 39 ma'ams said might not have anything else after POP. Oh yeah, I managed to fill my toy in class xD The parade was kinda special because how things look were really different. But ma'ams no tears lah (what tear talk), talk about CT, got some emotions stir by, but I made it faint [淡]. And Ms Yap came. Flag squadmates did a great job yay. We marched quite okay I think. Sometimes we belok it would change. Eh ma'ams, the whole staircase plan was fun lor, I was supposed to be paired with Lynn, but because Alicia and I had to go up, get stuff, it's like very ke xi can. I wanted to stand at spiral and give out puzzle pieces, and ma'ams found more and more. So ma'ams managed to go to the conference room to sit down. Then we had food and performances, 40 ma'ams had a song performance, we had a song compiled-13 thing, and 42 did the nursery rhymes with changed lyrics. Cute leh. Oops, I remember an awkward situation that happened today. Jiajia had a question to ask 39 ma'ams, and we noticed a ma'am going to toilet. So we just waited for ma'am to come out and we greeted her in the softest greeting voice ever, because still had class going on. Damn odd. *my hair all stand* A bit sad lol 39 ma'ams never perform xD yeah, and we gave presents to ma'ams! (: Our lovely ICE POPS! Haha, I sewed an orange one for Jomain ma'am. xD And personally gave ma'am. That was so nice! Hope the one I sewed was okay. =D I think its quite okay. After that 40 ma'ams took us and we bersurai-ed and asked our NCOs for squadtalk. (: It was so funny. We all ended up confessing and blurting stuff and many stupid things =P We said who sewed for which ma'ams, and we said who liked who. Hey, but I didn't open my mouth O: Ahh, now ma'ams know. Embarrassing. Eep. And 39 ma'ams gave us this very cute heart shaped thing :D It spells n-y-n-p b-a-t-c-h f-o-r-t-y-o-n-e, total seventeen alphabets eh! (: Oh yesh, ma'ams also said what they thought of us. Some very ke ai, like Puay Ling very emotional because she cried for not putting her wallet in walletbag. Then Pei Ting is dark. And Yung Hian ma'am said Huishan ma'am said I was sensible. Hmm....sensible ah. Haha, a bit the funny. Maybe sometimes only. xD One day I shall get it! POP was rather a light-hearted thing and it was different from 38 ma'ams' POP. And during squadtalk, we did something that we usually didn't do. And oh yep, we sang the Life song again. Wah, this night is so unique. We changed in Wenxian's class later, and tried to go home asap xD But aiya got home at 10. O: Ma'ams sent us their emails. Hehe. This is cool. Oh no. I will still need to go to my classmate's house to to LA presentation rawr. My dad wanted to go out for lunch man. I hope 39 ma'ams are relieved and remember all the happy times that they were in. It's like rather fast. Seems that 39 ma'ams just took over, say maybe feel like 1 month ago..then so soon it's ma'ams de POP. Hopefully we can still meet ma'ams for squadtalks or talk to ma'ams. (: P.S. My little finger got smashed by a boot, and there's a blood clot flowing in the nail. >< I think my pretty nail is breaking into two soon. Ouch. 0 comment[s] | back to top |