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A Night To Remember
written on Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 12:19 PM ✈
I LOVE YOU TWO-OH-TWO! we're the best class ever. Our final choral and drama night - 11th November 2008. We reached school early in the morning at 7.30am. I hitched a ride on Haiyun's dad's car, thanks a lot Haiyun :) and reached school together. We were all looking forward to it, some of us were rehearsing and I tried to substitute Victoria in that suitcase scene. I had this feeling where I really wanted this to happen and wanted everyone to be in the performance and where we could shine, but also at the same time, I hoped that time will slow down, or turn all the way back to sec 1 so we could relive all these wonderful memories all over again. I didn't want this to be over so soon, because I knew, once the performance was over, we won't be working together as a class on anything again. Luckily, time was not passing so fast as I hoped, and we changed into our costumes, gathered outside the audi. But we were rather late in going in for the briefing so we were rushing to sneak in :) That feeling was kinda nice, where some of us waited up for others. So we listened to Mr Ng and Mdm Oehlers speak and haha they were trying to make us feel geared up and high. Yep, and we were the second or third class to do our tech run, and it was very scary. And up till then, my part where I left the court scene, removed my jacket and re-enter with my measuring tape was always cut off because they were two scenes. We always stopped and continued. So I was worried, didn't even know if I could successfully do it at all, plus the stage was bigger than our practice area. After that, we practised a little, secretly went back in to watch 202A's performance :P Joy kept walking in the wrong direction, anyway this is the first time watching them in full attire for me, and I was very attracted by Raymond Lim! :D I mean, Joy's acting's really good, because her 眼神's really real and straightforward. Especially when she butts back to Mian Jun after the threat, and when she runs away from the cafe, and turns back to grab Baoxian. Wah, it was damn good. Later we had more rehearsals behind and Mdm Oehlers came to give us more advice and comments. Went for lunch @ Macs in Serene Center, I ate tons okay. Since the drama teachers said not to eat too much carbo for dinner, I figured I'd just eat a lot for lunch. Ate a fillet-o-fish, fries, coke, apple pie and chocolate mcflurry xD A lot huh. Yep, haha I ate the most, compared to Haiyun and Si Hui who were eating with me. Later on, we took a bus back to school, it was raining I think. Used the library's laptops to go bloghopping hahas. Very soon, it was almost 5. Haiyun, Si Hui and I went to our dressing room to take a peek :P But we realised it was quite small. The staircase's quite cool, haven't been in there before. There's a space outside the room too :D In the dressing room, there's those broadway-like light bulbs on the mirrors and a door that leads you out. Oh oh, there's a toilet and showering room attached XD Like hotel like that. LOL. Aircon too. We began to do random warm-ups like singing up the scale and shouting out stuff. Like what we did in the first few lessons for drama. We also put on foundation as well as blusher. Damn weird. As Hui Ker and I had to put on lipstick, but we wanted to go around the fundraising stalls to eat, so we decided to put it on later together. As our performance time was second last, so we had the time to walk around, and I bought quite a lot of stuff xD Ohh thanks Clarissa for teh brownie. :) Then suddenly Esther came up to me and said 38 ma'ams came lol. I didn't expect to hear that at all. I didn't see them at all though. Went up to the dressing room and prepared to make up and all. Haha watched 202A's performance from the tv and then halfway through it, I could feel the nervousness and uneasiness in me already. A bit scary. Then put on lipstick. Wow. I can't remember the last time I put on lipstick okay. Yup. And the backstage crew called us to wait downstairs. I was thinking, I can't believe it! We have been working on this play since the start of the year, where we all had funny and random ideas. Then it slowly evolved to a theme. And we even figured out the costumes and lines, broke it down to scenes. Redid things because it was too long. And it all would be resulting in the play we were going to put up to the audience. I didn't know if I wanted time to go fast or slow, I couldn't decide. Very soon, we were brought into the dark side of the stage, the right wings. It was pitch black, except for a few blue lights coming out from the floor lights. The fact that you couldn't see much made me very nervous. I was afraid I'd trip over something or I'd lose something in the dark, say my measuring tape and can't find it. Goshh. And the moment was here. The emcees made an opening for us and some of us brought the props out. I could see Victoria holding onto our ropes xD And then I began to prepare myself by gathering the four chairs needed in an order. Hui Ker and I were on standby to bring chairs out for court scene. NOW is the time. We went out, during the left wash, and place the court settings and sat down. I think my throat was like stuck, I quickly gulped down my saliva. Then Joy began to speak. I remember I stood up and projected my voice as loud as I could :D And it all went pretty well. But I couldn't really see the audience very well, just one vague patch of bright light. Haha, thanks Jiajia for sitting beside me, and making me feel less worried! Then, I quickly walked out of that scene and rushed into the wing to remove my jacket. I was like running. And thank you so much Jun Wei! :) for helping me guard my measuring tape, and passing it to me. You're really reassuring! You even nudged me to cue ourselves to go out for the shopping scene. I'm sure I wouldn't do this well without you :) Really soon, minutes went by, and before we knew it, our play had come to an end. We walked out for the credit line and bowed to the audience. Wow, what?! This is the end? After changing out of our costumes, we gathered back into the auditorium for the debrief. And okay skip all that. It was quite touching okay xD Well, we were sitting at different parts of the audi, and when it was time for us to go, Haiyun and I began walking out the doors with a crowd rushing out. Then subconsciously, I could hear someone shouting two two! And my eyes were like wide open, and I stared at Haiyun and she had this same look too. I was saying, "Eh, I think I heard someone from 2/2 calling us! I think we should go back!" we stood at the door, trying to wait for the crowd to go out and trying to squeeze back in. And wow, it's really moving to see many people from 2/2 walking towards the stage from different directions, like responding to the "call". We did our class cheer for the LAST TIME, I guess, it's our last. And maybe it's our last time wearing our class tee. Then we took a class picture :) Hey, but we shouldn't say it's the end! The legacy of 202'08 continues forever, and no one can change the fact that we're from 202. Keep all the lovely memories in your heart. You know somewhere deep down, you've got the 202 spirit. :) Even though we might be separated next year, well, most of yall are in 302. I'm quite sad, because I really want to be part of 302 where most of yall would be. Well, we must keep in contact :D I hope that we can have a class chalet!! And I just wanted to say (not sure if you would see this), thank you everyone, every single person from 202 for making my first 2 years in Nanyang so memorable and perfect. I mean it was all so good, like a fairytale okay. You make this class so lovable and making me look forward to going to school everyday to see yall in class doing things, mugging or playing (cards) in the morning. (: There's no one in the class I'd hate. I hope yall love the class and never forget any single one of us. :) Hehe, anyway I just wanted to let yall know how much I love yall! 202's the best class ever, and we rock. 0 comment[s] | back to topFundraising + Weekend
written on Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 3:30 PM ✈
Thursday 6th November 2008 It was fundraising night! And it was choral and drama 2008's opening night. :D I smsed a few classmates, haha then I set out. I thought I would be late okay, since my bus takes from a 10 min to 1 hour wait, at the worst. We wore our class tee :D Not sure if it's our last time wearing it this year though... :( This year we sold sandwiches (ham, cheese, tuna, egg) as well as canned drinks :P We sold them at $1.50 each. Actually the preparation work involved lots of procedures :P We were like passing the ingredients from one "station" to another, and then I didn't want to touch the tuna lol so I was helping to spread margarine on the bread xD Apparently, margarine helps the bread taste a lot better! Yep then really soon, parents and NY people plus outsiders started streaming in, and we were trying to ask them to buy :P Haiyun and Si Hui were mostly walking around with me. Haha, but I think sandwiches are pretty substantial, so many people/performers came down to buy from us. And also, that day there wasn't a huge supply of food if I'm not wrong. Well, I usually like asking people and selling stuff to people, even if they reject lah. But some parents can treat you like transparent, or even roll eyes at you. I cannot understand it - - I mean, you can always reject nicely. Or simply say no thanks. Two words only eh. I thought rolling your eyes takes more energy. Squadmates like Glenda, Alicia and Pei Ting came xD BTW, the performances were quite nicely planned! :) I liked 210's performance. Good job. And that night was pretty funny because they cracked many small jokes in their play. And the first time we see the gobos and lighting being carried out at the same time, since the gobos are new :P And there were quite a lot of people too. Was watching, then at the start we had to sneak in, and I realised Haiyun greeted her senior. And then I saw ma'am, who was with HY's senior with her friends. In the dark a bit scary lol. Yes, and then before interval we had to go out so missed 1 or 2 plays I guess :P Friday 7th November 2008 LOL, this time I went to watch as a guest, not as fundraiser or performer. And actually Thursday I was trying to decide if I should go because I don't know if it will be really late if I reach home, and what's more we would be having the JSSNP competition the next morning. Later on, Jiajia was asking me if I wanted to go, but then somehow made up my mind to go. Since we asked around and found out squadmates were performing, so we met at coro at like..5.15pm or something and I was early. Jiajia brought me to some florist and we bought flowers for squadmates who were performing - Zi Han and Puay Ling. This is my first time buying flowers lol (not counting those times where prefects sell flowers through order forms in primary school). We reached school pretty early so we were checking out Lynn's stall. I also saw Puay Ling wearing this very office-like suit. With make-up :O Passed the flowers to her and at the last min also ask her help to pass to Zi Han. And Lynn's very funny xD She was trying to promote her hotdog and said she wanted to show the bags to sell the "brand". I was saying I'd definitely buy lor, since I get hungry REALLY easily. Alicia joined Jiajia and I nearing to seven. Yep, today's plays were quite interesting also, but there were many plays with the first and last scenes having similar setups. I was thinking, for our half, it is also something like that, I'm hoping it wouldn't bore the audience though. Ahh. Looking at the plays make me stress. At some random points of times, I will just read out my lines for no reason. I'm very worried about the part, and the only part where I need to switch costumes between 2 scenes. I mean I would have to bring chairs in then out, and once I bring them out of the scene, I will quickly need to pull off my jacket, get my tape and get back on stage when Victoria finishes saying a few lines. I'm not sure if it will work. During tech rehearsals, if I'm not wrong, I realised we always pause at that part, like the court scene needs to have shifted positions and the standings of the sales people. Argh. What if the stage lagged - meaning I can't get out in time? I really need to sort this out. Saturday 8th November 2008 Oh wow. I don't think I want to think about it after today. The fun part is that it is near to my house and I got to wake up later and fetch squadmates. Okay, so I woke up at around 5 plus and stuffed whatever that we discussed to bring into my bag. And had breakfast. I was totally sleepy. Changed, I headed to Lakeside MRT, and Puay Ling was there woots. Haha, I went to the toilet and when we got out Zi Han arrived. Nice timing lol. So we crossed the bridge, oh before that we saw some NP people at the MRT side. Although there's a map attached with a list of buses, I'd usually cross the bridge because it seemed faster for me. I live in the area, so I'm just using my instincts lah. Anyway 154 took a long time to come, so we just boarded another bus and ended at the back gate of JSS. Erm, it was not opened, so I was thinking that they left that gate out lol. Because for OO, I remembered we reached school really early and ma'ams got all the gates covered I think. So we had to walk half a round around the school and wait for the gate to open. It was weird lah. Um, okay so registration blah blah blah and then after taking all our stuff out to the canteen area we were allocated our cooking spots. Oh, I forgot something, okay this is really odd but, ACSB was there and Justin was part of the team, to my surprise. Zi Han's groupmate from Casper was also there. Haha, but I don't know his name. Hmm..I've always thought it would be rare that any area 15 school would join, especially when I thought that we would be the only Area 15 school there. Let's come to the important part, I think we totally (erhem) embarrassed ourselves okay. I mean we took so long to get our fire started, and we had to borrow from other units. And when we tried to redeem more matchsticks, there weren't anymore. I'm thinking we were the last team to get started. Okay so we had about 10 minutes to discuss our dish upon seeing the ingredients available, and we proceeded to cook and everything. But then the bowl we had was hole-y, so the vermicelli was wet. A bit gross I guess. Okay haha sorry, I'm tired, so just skip to the judging part. Yep we were waiting for some time and the judges asked us some questions and Puay Ling was mostly replying. Zi Han and I was just prompting and adding on only. *yawns* Then I'm skipping to the end. If I remembered correctly, TKGS won. I still remember I kept saying I wanted to go home the whole time, FOUR hours of sleep wasn't enough. I was almost going to sleep on the floor lol. Sometimes the floor looked so "tempting". Yeah, C&D and stuff, but the people who were the most tired were probably Zi Han and Puay Ling since they were in school almost the whole day yesterday, having to rehearse before the performance and staying all the way until 10+, then waking up early to reach Lakeside. (I hope I will do well xD, or at least won't screw up for my play next week!!) Yes, and then we went to Jurong Point :D Bought food and then we sat at a bench and ate! Later on, we took a bus back to my house :P And we were doing lots of random stuff, like the guitar and computer, turtle and food. We wanted to just pop on MSN and say hi to any one, we ended up talking to Nicole and she got pissed? LOL. Well I guess that's about it :) 0 comment[s] | back to topEnd of school already?
written on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 6:19 AM ✈
Oh no, school year is officially over last Friday. And Sentosa was fun okay! During class closure, a lot of flashbacks! I realised 202 rocks so much and 202 ftw! :D I love two two a lot. I guess we won't be going back to one classroom with everyone present, and we won't be queuing during morning assembly in the familiar line. No more Dung's head and Junwei talking to me as usual. I guess I will miss all of that. I remember we were building the sandcastle and it kept dao-ing then everyone was trying to save and salvage it by holding on and everything. It was so cool, and one classmate said we work best under tight conditions, and yep that's true. When time is short, we tend to bond more! :) I really like that day! A pity my skin was darkened lah. And the past two years was soo much fun! From orientation, to Sec 1 lifeskills camp to exams, to start of the new year, all the way up to now. Every single one in the class is really nice and there's no one you would hate! These two years were really spent happily, at least most of the time if not all. Ah.. I wanna just go back in time and go through all these again. And BBQ at Jiajia's house was fun :P On the day itself Monday, I went to buy the marshmellows haha and quite a lot of people were there :D We were at the pool there when something happened lol. Well, and we started bbq-ing. Mian Jun was doing lots of the cooking so I went over to help. it was quite fun xD Yepp ooh Si Lei came later coz she got lost. Haha and we kao until the sky became soo dark. Can't see what we're cooking and some of the food was not cooked properly Bahaha. Then for a moment, the fire was low, and Jiajia's brothers and a few of us tried to "revive" it. well dung and jeslyn wanted to leave early, so they asked me to tag along. Later on Mian Jun too went out with us :D The atmosphere and everything was really perfect, I don't know why. And later we went up this bus 67 that wouldn't move forever >< traffic jam. so at first our original plan was to reach CCK but we stopped at the LRT and took the mrt all the way back with dung. Woo. I reached pretty late. Luckily I left a bit earlier. 0 comment[s] | back to top |