你拉我拉, 你拉我拉, 一二拉。。。
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STC part 2 :P
written on Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 7:35 AM ✈
I managed to talk to some of area 15 people over MSN yesterday and today, a bit :D Like Shen Yang, Hui Xian, Ci Kang, Junze, Timothy. But of course, I've spoken to my pluto cum dao groupmates before, like Shaik and Shaik, Kai Hong. :) Yes, Justin and Gideon (even though he's not in my group) also. I think everyone from dao is really nice and I hope we can keep in contact still in future okay :DD Sent the list last night to everyone, so I hope everyone will see it haha. And it was really fun msning yall because yall had so many different ideas and opinions about STC lol. I know I will miss STC a lot, because it's the last camp for us already. Before the camp I was like I'm gonna do the best for everything that I can because it's the last, the only one left. However, it seemed like I did lesser than last year in terms of like volunteering and leading etc. Kinda feel sad about that. Well, but for cheers and individual things I really did better :D Like cheering as loud as I could and things. Haha I got quite high. I can't deny that I like ATC'08 as much as STC'09! :) I realise I might handle things differently during this camp, especially because I'm not exactly used to working with guys. I'm also going to miss groupmates for sure (: LOL and sorry I'm posting so much and sorry if I call/MSN and start talking so much :P 0 comment[s] | back to topstc'09 - DAO you~
written on @ 4:57 AM ✈
DAO rocks. Honestly. Initially I was scared before I went for STC, a feeling I got like last year's Area ATC. But everything was okay. I think our group (group D/DAO!) is really fun and cool but we're a little not very high haha. Haha, it's contradictory because we should be high, yet we should be dao-ey. DAY 1: took my dad's car to school, met squadmates, changed. Boarded the bus and we waited at the jetty. :D I think we got into our groups at the basketball court and hiked in. Then our group was navigating, special thanks to the hc people especially. We took the shortcut as a risk and we got there haha. Along the way, Donovan sir kept saying that nanyang very outcast or very zibi. Then kept making us go into the group in random places. Also, we took occassional breaks too. We pitched tents later, I was allocated together with Jacinta, Clarissa, Hui Qun (my pluto grpmate) and another RGS girl (i think her name had wen something, i couldn't rmb!) We were rather efficient, but then our horizontal pole was like U shaped and our tent looked bad. It's a mixture of our skills and the equipment actually. Had lunch as a group for the first time, I kept getting the feeling that our group didn't really sit together or talk among schools during lunch. Mm like for pluto, because maybe Hui Qun, Jia Yuan and Xyn Yee were more open/sporty people then we started talking :D Then ACSB also very open to talking lol. Slowly we opened up. But anyway DAO also opened up little by little throughout the time and it's really sweet haha. (shall keep all my reflections later and talk about the things that happened first, i'll try) we had campfire prep, initially it was just throwing in of ideas, but i don't know why, i was still scared for some reason. we had dinner and my life chart then night walk. for all the meals, we didn't cook at all, except for the campfire day dinner lol. too troublesome. we didn't bathe at all until day 2 night for the campfire. my life chart was quite thought-provoking because you see people's lifes and there are many 感触s you get. And you get to reflect on your own life and learn. when you hear about grpmate's words, it somehow reminds you of some things in your life you have experienced, maybe similar to it, or maybe you would understand that kind of feeling. it's like you are able to get inspiration from sir and grpmates. it's like for one of the first few times in your life, people drop their masks and become so real, and you place the trust that your grpmates will not share what you said. i rarely remember the bad things that happen, because when it happens, i get really really upset, and i'll try to get over it. instead i would remember all the happy/funny/good times that i wanna remember. nightwalk was bad because our group had 8 people kidnapped, including myself - - our school always have people get kidnapped and yet it still happened to us. most people who got kidnapped. i think sir was quite disappointed but we felt the need inside to be more bonded and stay together also. we had debrief and somehow we didn't speak a lot. Went to sleep in the tent and wasn't very cold because wasn't sleeping at the edge. DAY 2: woke up at 4am, startled, for no reason. i sorta just sat up suddenly, checked my watch and it said 4am so i went back to sleep. was half awake waiting for 6am. woke up. we had pt, if i'm not wrong, they said the group who first gave a cheer would get slacker pt, haha then we just fell out and started cheering. we did pumpings and crunches and half pushups etc, jumping jacks. but O: i think ours was similar to other groups haha. my arms were shaking for no reason when i did halfpushups (taught by donovan sir). had breakfast, and we had cooking competition first at a hut/shelter. we were given a carrot and potato and haha DAO's so lame! We ended up using hand sanitizer to fuel the stove because it said it was flammable and stunk badly. then we planned to do carrot potato soup and milo dinosaur but ended up totally different haha. we had maggiemee with carrotpotato plus stew. and pocarisweatmilo filled with chocolate biscuits. haha! maria and ann cher were cutting up the food with plastic knife/fork/spoon thing lol. then i saw the guys removing the bark with a penknife. and was it shen yang! i was sitting beside him and he was meng pen-knifing the branches, and it totally looked like the blade will just fly out anytime. ivan was doing the fire stove and he's quite pro. he kept blowing at the fire and then had funny ashes in his hair. the sji people also initiated by starting to do the milo while the maggie was being cooked :) haha very funny, then during the tasting, omar sir was like giving this *gulps* look when he tasted our pocarisweatflavoured milo. i didn't get to eat the thing, hey but the sir (mr ho) ate like many spoonfuls and nothing bad happened. i cant remember the order if it's lunch/tunneling/rope challenge. tunneling was fun, i thought it would be long. initially i was like the third person. they said all the people in yellow (ny) go in first then white (sm and rg), but clarissa was scared and i had the adventurous feeling so i squeezed to the front. we also had to come out holding one ball each. we took quite long haha. i crossed to the ball pile section but then we realised we can't end up yellow white yellow white at the end, so we moved back to the place before the ball pile. and made the switch. i went up first, and ann cher was holding my leg coz i needed my hands to climb. then after that ann cher had some problems and i pulled her up, a bit hard haha i've no strength.then ann cher went out first then me. :D omg then the ropes :X at first a few people went up first i remember justin, jinghao haha. then later they asked who wanna go first, it was like silence for a while, then our whole squad raised our hands :P but i was very very scared, seeing how high it was and how afraid the people up there looked. i don't think justin was afraid, he looked like he was enjoying it. then i was one of the last few to go up from our squad. it's so freaky. i tried to act calm and everything lah, because it usually works, haha but not really this time round. i got the one where you hold a bar and walk on the tight rope, crawl the ladder thing and "fly" back in. i remember before i went up, i was asking aircon. "aircon, if i go up the thing, i wont drop down or the thing won't collapse right? so i should just chiong through right?" then aircon was like yah, won't drop one! haha and it helped me a little okay. when it was my turn, i was very frightened lah. the sir was like asking me to hold the bar tight. and i walked step by step, trying to ignore that it shook more as i got to the center. and i saw so many familiar faces down there haha so i was telling myself not to freak out. just before i got to the center, i stopped. i was like thinking, "great, it's shaking so badly. i should just chiong through the center then worry." haha i think i was too scared to think that i'm scared. but then at least i thought of what to do. the center was of course scary, it got scary and then it was all better when i reached the end because it was shaky to less shaky. i stepped up the plank thing and then looked at the ladderman. i was like oh shit, gideon. i don't know why, but i just got more scared lol. but he was very encouraging and helpful lah. jinghao was also giving advice on what to do. i wanted to walk, then gideon said to crawl i was like hmm.. okay.. i think i kept saying out loud that i was scared. then at the center part, i asked if i can just go across, then he a bit extra lol coz he said to use the ladder. got pulled across then it was a bit tough to get back up the structure. crawled to the end. yay another part done. so last part was walking through the log and then jumping for the bar and fly back in. i was a little scared because i might sweat and lose grip of the bar. but i flew in fine :DD haha. after i went down, sir told me to take over anyone who hasn't done. then went to ask. haha then it's quite funny. i swopped with gideon to be ladderman. it's like i just came down and a few moments later, i see him up there doing the same structure. and dunno who said he was very scared. yah. and i jiayoued everyone who came by :D but it was weird jiayouing people i've never met before. dinner later. i remember cooking maggie mee then we just ate a lot haha. passed around food and we were quite full. first time cooking during the camp. after dinner we washed up and everything, then i saw justin and another hwachong guy doing dustbin work again. so i asked jacinta if we wanna help and we were both okay lah. so my first dustbin work of the camp (more to come later). we used the bags to cover the top of the bin and the four of us flipped it upside down because the bag of rubbish wouldnt come out. and i was like hugging the bin while turning it upside down. it wouldn't come out and then justin decided to use his hands to dig. then funny liquids came out and i saw ants. yuck. but couldn't let go lah, was still shaking the bin while waiting for the rubbish to come out. then after that we use more bags. not enough so the hc guy ran to get from ci. we waited and tied the bag up etc. washed up a bit. then stored the bin properly and rubbish at one corner. totally stinky. rinsed hands and chionged to fall in with jacinta. however, we were like late or something, then i could see my whole group staring at us (me most probably, because like what puayling said, she always saw me being late for things). i think some of my grpmates were disappointed, i wanted to say like maybe "cleaning rubbish bin" to them but the ci was rushing us to settle down. it's like i think they misunderstood or something, i wanted to explain badly also, but then to say it, is weird because it just sounds like i wanted everyone to know we did something. yah, i wasn't late because i wanted to (sort of), but because of some reasons that is weird to say also. i was telling puayling yah and she understood what i meant. campfire, we learnt 500 miles. briefing for campfire and then waited for sec 2s to come in. then we proceeded to the campfire circle and i think timothy was asking us if we wanted to do 1 cheer at the start and end or something. then i was like convincing him that maybe at the start we will need time to find the place to stand, so it's better to do at the end. i think i was quite rude or something. yah, from the above above paragraph and this paragraph, i think i really want to say sorry to my groupmates. we sang cheers and song, and oh yes, the omega was quite cool :D but the fire seemed a little small this year. clarissa felt rain and we were so scared it was going to rain lol. we did our performance and everything went all right! :D We really rock okay! Very quickly the camp ended after more songs and cheers, performances by sec 2s, sec 3s and CIs! Haha i think we used a lot of inside jokes, our year did quite well! (: At debrief, Donovan sir gave us a chance to speak and reflect lah. Then we didn't speak much also. Timothy spoke and I kind of agree with the part where we are a special team. I don't know why but I feel soo strongly for our group! Actually our group has chemistry one lor. Magically. And we have so many interesting people. :D Like whole loads of fun and laughter. Haha but sometimes like what I've mentioned before we're not high sometimes. However i just couldn't say things as easy as when i'm in a squad or with ma'ams. Our group is so loveable and I feel that we trust and respect each other a lot. And i think that night nicole, puayling and i saw pn clearing up bottles on his own then he asked us for help, so we tried to help as much as we could. yep but i don't think i actually helped a lot. >< DAY 3: breakfast. actually before breakfast i was passing a piece of paper to write contacts. then during breakfast we were eating, then timothy was also asking us to write contacts. and i was like uh oh, yah. hmm sorry about that because i didn't know you wanted to compile! we had mass cleanup. unpitched, clean tents, then reclean pegs also. went back. then we had to check for rubbish, then mop floors, clear rubbish bins. clarissa and i went to one bin and we start removing the bag. i was holding the dustbin down, while clarissa was pulling the bag out. then it wasn't as hard as the first rubbish bin. my third rubbish bin was a little hard. after finishing that dustbin just now, clarissa went to carry the bag out while i shifted to the next rubbish bin. i think there were a lot of guys there but then couldnt get the rubbish bin out. so i used the method i used for my first dustbin. of course, i needed the help of the guys to help me turn the bin upside down again. i was hugging and shaking it but it just wouldn't come out. then someone hit the top of the bin hard also cannot. haha very funny. imran was like "hey, let the shaik do it!" i was quite amused. then i asked both shaiks to shake the bin but still cannot. i think the shaking done by them loosen some rubbish already. so i took over again by myself and was holding up the bin while the guys waited for the rubbish to come out. finally came out and then i think cikang and shenyang carried the bag out. quite funny lah. but then a bit gross because it was very smelly and my shirt stunk since campfire night. donovan sir gave us a bottle with a paper inside and told us to write our reflections of the camp. we had group debrief and we were stoning a bit. gave our last cheer. it was kind of nice to sit around as a group for the last time again because i know it would be quite difficult to come together again aready. went to take our bags. then we were taking up many many things. i found some random clip and paper, torchlight and damian's rags haha. coz right, the bag had damian's name. i was wondering if i should go to the hwachong squad because they were already in fall in position. then just went lor. luckily no one scolded. passed damian's stuff to ivan coz he was at the corner. then while walking off, i think timothy thought the torchlight was his, so he also claimed back from me. luckily he claimed if not i don't know what i would do with the torch. then the rest i just threw because not much use. picked up water bottles to empty and throw. oh yah then when we fall in in schools, squadmates had extra unopened bottles so i also took all and left them in kitchen after asking lianyu ma'am. haha lianyu ma'am's a nice ma'am. (during the group debrief, we also went around to thank all the CIs on behalf of DAO and i went to lianyu ma'am coz she was my group's CI last year. ivan was like wanting to go to lianyu ma'am and i was like pls pls i wanna go xD and he was like giving a face and said no. haha, but no lah he let me thank lianyu ma'am) went back to school and on the way to the jetty we were cheering :D then tianye sir (?) was like saying ehh nanyang louder than sji, then why nanyang so soft, or why no cheer alr, so we were like cheering and cheering. glenda zao xia haha. then i zao xia once or twice. quite high :D took the jetty back and waited very long after going back to school. while waiting, schools like hci, sji, smss left already, even though we reached first. when we reached school, ma'ams were like sitting at the foyer waiting, totally unexpected because i thought we were supposed to call them after we bathed. In the end, we didn't bathe, some squadmates powder bathed. i just washed up and we took some time to go kap. the initial outing planned had only a few people there BECAUSE i think some people went to watch a movie. tsktsk. Anyway we sat separately from elmo people. (Clarissa, Yi Jia, Lynn, Esther and me) they had some discussion at a round table and it was like some panel discussion lol. went home and bathed. watched a bit of tv. i overslept on the bus, and missed my stop. >< anyway it wasn't that bad, but i was quite tired. okay my reflections haha. something random, but jacinta, clarissa and i were all from nyct'08 team 2 :D shao le puayling..It was the same group during Operation Opulence. And right i think I will miss my group A LOT. I feel like we haven't really interacted enough and usually I learn things from people through camp, but this year it seems lesser. still i'm really thankful for everything, that we were in this group all together and with donovan sir. i just can't seem to tell you all that. I wonder if yall would actually want to have an outing, we should mass convo and make a blog too. :) And I love DAO! >> Donovan sir, Jonathan, Kai Hong, Isaac, En Ming, Ivan, Shen Yang, Yan Rui, Damian, Timothy, Ann Cher, Hui Xian, Imran, Shaik, Kiok Yew, Ci Kang, Junze, Yong Sheng, Irfaan, Adrea, Maria, Clarissa, Jacinta and haha myself. CHEERS!! GO DAO WIN! Our team will go! (clapclap) Our team will go go go! Our team will dao! (clapclap) Our team will dao dao dao! Our team will win! (clapclap) Our team will win win win! So let's go! (11 claps) Group D! (11 claps) Group D! (11 claps) Group D! OOH it's hot in here, it must be dao in the atmosphere! OOH it's hot in here, it must be dao in the atmosphere! O I O I O ice ice ice! O I O I O ice ice ice! GOOO~~ group D! 0 comment[s] | back to topCourses
written on @ 4:12 AM ✈
Haha sorry I haven't posted for some time, but I doubt many people know about this blog. I shall post quickly and proceed to my STC post :D LMSC - we were not with our area haha, but we still enjoyed ourselves with squadmates. we learnt MOI and the various styles of leading and types of people. the fun part was the cross the river thingy with squadmates. it was like a mini competition between schools and we were super super fast can! haha i think, it's because we are very close to squadmates so we weren't afraid of crashing into squadmates. i was with clarissa and lynn i think. and i was constantly paying attention to the last cardboard and crashing into squadmates each time i jumped to the next cardboard. two days in total haha, but the 2nd day was obviously better i guess because we had more moving around. PK/HFS - the first day was a bit shocking. because we fell in and met ma'ams, took our temperature and had to wait at the corridor by units before we could enter the hall. when i entered, i was like o.O because the chairs were so closely packed together and it was very hot. but we had breaks here and there. but i was close to falling asleep at a few points :X i tried to stay awake as much as i could and take lots of notes so it wasn't that bad, i hope. zihan felt unwell the first day and i stopped copying and took her to the toilet with a ma'am in u i think. second day was bad, because we were delayed A LOT. we should have called earlier. but anyway we were in time for the course, hmm but not the time to meet 40 ma'ams. changed in super quick time, but still slow compared to squadmates. and rushed to harmony hall. there was aircon and nice seating so it was good. fell in before sitting down. but then it was weird you know, almost the whole of area 15 were sitting together,except nanyang. totally bad timing. and then we were wearing hairnet the entire time, so i was quite uncomfortable. however, it's a good experience because we got to know more and quiz sqdms managed to get their notes haha. sometimes the part where they say how to spot a terrorist, it's a bit not always like that though. oh yah, after the second day. i went with puayling to their mickey mouse outing, alicia went too :) but quite few people though. 3 squadmates only, then there was jovin, hoekang and limjing. went to lot 1, and i think we met even more people from hwachong. yep we were at the rooftop for some time before we ate haha, finding out about stc stuff. mm and surprisingly, the table, out of 6 people, 3 people were eating jap food haha! talked about random things i can't really remember, very vague. :P and we went around a bit, jovin, hoekang and limjing went off first because they had something on or something. oh yah. i remember alicia's elmo grpmate pn went to buy some random soft toy and was like excited over it. haha a bit deprived. anw soon after we left for the mrt station. we went in the mrt station and the guys were like living close and walked out through the station. i wished i didn't live so far from the important places lol. squadmates (pl and al) and i went up and their train came first so they just went off first. i was alone but then i saw hoekang and limjing sitting on the bench, so i just said hello. (and i thought they left alr o.O) i was thinking there wasn't anything much to talk about, so i just walked to the arrow arrow standing place. a while later, limjing and hoekang they all walked over and then they asked me why i was taking the jurong east train. haha and i was amused because while buying food, pl and i told hoekang where we lived alr lol. they live in the east and it was weirder that they took the train to jurong east. but then yah they said it was shorter. and i totally didn't expect it, but then we were talking the whole time while on the train. because i was not very familiar with them, my first time meeting them only, but it was quite cool being able to keep a conversation going, mostly we were talking about np stuff haha. (i'm not a very sociable person like alicia haha) it's like that time i talked to jingyi ma'am on the whole bus ride on the night before URD'08 without knowing how i did it okay! LOL. we exchanged contacts. (ANW i jiayoued them for their interviews next day. they totally spent a lot of time haha because they live so far away and their tests are just next day! tsktsk.) and i went home really tired lol. the stupid bus took really long to arrive, plus it was crowded. it's always no good taking buses with u cover and shoebags. i should have walked but i didn't think i could walk that far with the load. friday - hmm what happened ah. we had atc briefing, and i reached a bit later than my expected time. but didn't affect much. we revised songs and cheers. then surprisingly, this year, instead of first aid lecture, we had cheering session first. so we were quite shocked. we led the cheers and tried hard to teach 42 and 43 the cheers. there were many cheers to teach and we took up like nearly 1 hour of extra time. i finally understand how come in the past few years, the cheers taught were always so vague. it's so difficult to teach well yet manage the time. but obviously we really need to work on our time management because it was really bad this time. squadmates were doing the symbolic structure things.glenda and i had nothing to complete so we went to kap while sqdms went to petrol station to buy cup noodles. we went there and ate and talked about a lot of things haha. it's only two of us, and glenda was saying it's quite cool like that and it was our second time going out together one to one. because usually we go as a squad or a few of us, totally different from like that. haha i couldn't rmb, glenda said sec 2 had once. we talked a bit about xin shi and hahaha very funny glenda - something i disagree with. then we saw peiting she kept popping by and glenda and i thought it was quite amusing lol. went back to school and took our bags, went straight home :) 0 comment[s] | back to topHow Do You Sleep! (haha)
written on Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 2:03 PM ✈
Current Music: Jesse McCartney - Invincible I've been going to school for various things everyday of this week, for rifle, physics remedial and stuff. OMG, but today was so cool :) Woke up early, wondering if rifle was 930, and then kf said 9, totally went o.o rushed out of the house to realise i was early. reached school did some work. then saw alicia :) joined squadmates. we did rifle pracs, and i think i got better! but of course, not as good as everyone else, especially in terms of formation+drill combined. of course, for me, i felt rather accomplished, because i thought i would not pick the rifle actions up in time. 40 ma'ams came over to look at us and they tried to help us work on our precision. oh yah, i wonder if rifle's too tough or something. 42 and 43 must really take care of themselves, and don't fall sick. went up to the hall. and hmphh. wasted don't know how many minutes of our time because of ___. okay okay, and then right, we went to coro for lunch with squadmates, alicia had to go to west mall first. AND WOW, all i can say is that today we saw SOOO MANY people. Something weird happened too. Squadmates came out of school and we were waiting at the bus stop, so we were just talking around and hanging around when we saw zhiyi ma'am over the bridge. O: i think she was jumping. and we suddenly snapped out of it, wondering why we missed so many buses after coming out of the school. We stood there like dummies for so long haha. (reminded of a song called dummy) Went up the bus blahblahblah. We spent a super long time queuing, where we saw Hongliang sir from npap. o.o then nearing to the end of the queue, we were just walking still near (glenda and jiajia and i) the golden rooster place a bit and someone saw 38 ma'ams O: lol i don't know why but i was like feeling good. said hello to jingyi ma'am and chuasimin ma'am. (: they changed a little. jj had to change and had super little time to eat. ate with squadmates, and clarissa had to go after sometime. but it was nice talking to squadmates like that. :D at the end left aircon, glenda and i, we were talking about random life topics. i'm undergoing a lot of changes right now. june holidays aren't exactly holidays because i've been going to school everyday. and you will probably see me in new specs, new braces and um new haircut before camp. and also, the longawaited unit reunion dinner is coming, and (hmm maybe ma'ams don't know about this, so i shall just call it the surprise) we must do well for the surprise. i hope everything will just go well this june. don't screw up. i know i can do this. 0 comment[s] | back to top |