你拉我拉, 你拉我拉, 一二拉。。。
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because you live. not.
written on Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 6:42 PM ✈
Where will my support come from? It's no longer you. Tears flowed together yesterday. I don't think you could control it. It was sudden though it was foreshadowed. Thoughts arose from there. Such changes that happen really make me feel uncomfortable. Why are things so ugly? Today I knew it was bad for me. I felt it. So yes what was said today hit hard. Crying somewhere letting no one know. Again. I'm not sure if this is impulsive, but I feel much misery. I don't think I can trust who I trusted before. And I'm very upset the trust is just gone. You were once so close. It took time to build things up like that, but the trust seems to have vanished. I feel like an empty shell. Go figure. I have that shell but what's the use if it isn't even taken into consideration. Knowing after the whole world knows. Is this going to take me anywhere. Thank you to someone (my squid) who listened to me for hours this afternoon over the phone. 0 comment[s] | back to topwritten on Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 11:28 PM ✈
gosh. past few days. i remember so many things, chopping poles, sanding poles and labelling them. it's not very easy, you need to carry back and forth so many times. little manpower yah >< and going to collect ponchos. lugging them back. it's not impossible, but it's a very very difficult task. i felt like i did a major workout doing those two things. then onto training. learned different important things that is pretty useful and i hope it will help us all the way. i felt a little worn, but still okay. there's more to come. wenxian wasnt there on tuesday though ): army market - you would have never imagined what happened. i think we bothered ma'ams ): lugged things back to jac's house omg. webcamed o.o and had dinner, pretty yummy :D sort of relaxed for a little while, before you realise time flies and so many things are coming up. 0 comment[s] | back to topFirst Team Two meeting
written on Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 10:53 PM ✈
Today, I woke out pretty early and left the house. This is our first official meeting for nyct team 2, after results were released. It was more of like relaxed, not that much hands on. Not the typical NYCT training. Did get some things done. (Realised something. Shouldn't blog too much about our ct stuff at this time before comps, will do it later bah.) Went for lunch at kap. Wah talk so much ah squadmates. Took a bus to beach road to settle stuff (: (vague right.) Some weird things happened and we sorta ran from one stop to another. And gang hao the bus was approaching the next stop, so we looked like we were chasing the bus lol. And yep we got up. At first quite traumatising o.o There was like Nicole, Clarissa, Jacinta and me. Had some time to buy food, or rather dessert and went to buy tangyuan! :D And walked and walked and walked, then long journey home. Yawns. Really tired. 0 comment[s] | back to topwritten on Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 12:37 AM ✈
2 dec 2009. ct results were out. woww it didn't feel real actually, captain of nyct team two. first feeling was didnt know whether to be happy or not. i mean like, hey you're in team two once again! took some time in the day so i can tiao zheng xin qing. and i thought to myself, since i have the chance so just make good use out of it and make something happen i guess. however, i think i'm going to need this extra effort to study and someone to remind me. less time for play. shouldn't disappoint those who made it happen and myself most importantly. i love ct, don't i. i need to make this into a motivation like how i felt in sec 2. i just get so excited thinking about the past ahhh D: i want that feeling back <333 thank you ma'am for talking to us and helping us just before we start up for this long journey ahead. (: (some stuff: sometimes you find out what people are thinking and you wish you could do something. how.) congrats all who are in the two teams and fellow captain glenda. my vcs clarissa and huipeng. and my dear squids. and team mates. jiayou together okay! (: 0 comment[s] | back to topct selections
written on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 @ 11:25 PM ✈
ct selections was today O: well, we thought it would be two days long (a bit long), but nope. everything was settled today. today wasn't extremely good for me, it was okay kind. throughout the whole time, i was trying to decide if it was a go or not. it was just too hard. did a few flag pitches today, and specialisation plus knots and lashings. at the interview, it was just tough, trying to make this decision. i felt like i was torn apart, that sort of feeling. two strong forces on both sides trying to pull you. i loved ct so much, but now it feels a little different. there are many 顾虑s on my mind to be honest, not just those sort of personal kind, also about the unit and teams. one question that has been going in and out of my head - will i regret it if i make this decision? for ct, if i do get in, i would want to be the best i can and work towards goals. i would really hate it if i'm just hanging on a loose thread. clarissa jacinta and i went down to the ground floor after everything and yes, that feeling came back again. i wished i could relive the feelings again. thank you for everything, come what may. i'm pretty tired today, so i think i'd just make my way to my bed soon. 0 comment[s] | back to topGCP :D
written on @ 10:42 PM ✈
Woohoo back from Adelaide Australia on the 28th, but didn't have time to blog about it :D And I've been manually transferring some of my posts from my old blogs over to here O: See how long I haven't posted. I guess this can be some secret sanctuary :D We visited many places in Adelaide, and you can see the pictures on facebook. Based on those pictures, I'd usually write information at the bottom, more of like what I've learnt. (I wish I had the itinerary with me, but my entire journal got kept as sample, so I really hope to post about each day soon!) Was in this group OTH :D And we had Huiyun, Jinhui, Si Hui and seniors - Huaimin & Angelina :) We didn't open up to them early enough, but still at the end we had so much fun together once we got to know one another. And they're really cool seniors as they took care of us in the later part (: On the trip, we had Mr Lim Chow Hoon, Mrs Tieh and Ms Lim Guat Ha (: Something summed up, I guess. It's that the scenery in Australia, South Australia especially is soo beautiful. Especially for Kangeroo Island! Omg. You should have seen the beaches and the skies. The skies are awesome for Adelaide actually, I like those of the suburbs more. Different views. I remember where we went for a night bushwalk, and we walked to the beach standing on this platform. Just think - we were all standing there looking up at the sparkling stars in the dark sky, across the ocean. In that environment, Stacy our guide told us, if we looked ahead, the next piece of land across the ocean would be - the Antartica. And I could feel the extremely cold wind blowing in our faces. You can really get 陶醉in such a pretty place. Huiling saw my msn display pic and she was like wanting me to send her lol :D She wanted to use as wallpaper! (: I'm not that good at phototaking but the view is already so good! :D Lots of spectacular gradients at various times actually. Other great experiences was going to Wilderness School! Met new friends like Maddey, Ashley, Andi and Dani. They're cool :D Maddey was my buddy during English class. A pity it was only for half a day ): We really had fun though and added one another on MSN and FB. Wondering if they will be coming to Singapore anytime soon for exchange programme. One more is when two Singaporeans came and visited us at the YHA, sharing with us so many things about living in Australia. We could ask them almost about anything, and they would be so happy to share with us :) They took such a long drive to and fro X: 10 days was simply not enough for soo many exciting things. And photos are something that helps you capture those memories the best, at least. I took some photos using Si Hui's camera and can't wait to meet her and kope from her xD Got videos also!! 0 comment[s] | back to top |